Monday, September 29, 2008
I won I won I won!!!
Posted by Kat at 7:00 PM 2 comments
Thursday, September 25, 2008
ERRRR (&@(#&*@^*&^#*&^#
Posted by Kat at 11:38 AM 4 comments
I made 3 pairs of beautiful earrings last night!!! Come check them out!!
Posted by Kat at 9:44 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
No time...

Posted by Kat at 6:24 AM 2 comments
Tuesday, September 09, 2008
Box tops....

Posted by Kat at 12:20 PM 0 comments
Anybody need F150 Rims??? SOLD!!!!
Click the link to see images....
Ok...These wheels and tires are almost new !!!! Here's the deal...I bought these wheels and tires almost new back in September 2007 and had them on the truck for about 2 months until I took them off in November before the winter. I put the wheels back on around April but decided to take them back off about 3 weeks later when I decided to trade in my truck because of the rising gas prices. So right now since I finally have the time to try to sell them because they need to go because they're just sitting around collecting dust in the garage. The wheels are 22" Cattivo 724 and the tires are 305/40/22 GoodYear Fortera's SL Edition. The tires were purchased (I have the receipt) at Sam's Club in Clarksville and come with the Road Hazard Warranty which entitle the owner to free rotation, balance and flat repair and the GoodYear warranty which will replace the tires for defect purposes if ever needed. The wheels have no defects what so ever...FLAWLESS!!!! Each spoke has a plastic insert that can be taken to be painted what ever color you choose or just left off...The choice is yours....All together this set cost me $2000.00 dollars.... I would like to have these wheels gone by winter so please make me an offer!!! ALL OFFERS WILL BE TAKE INTO CONSIDERATION No trades please...If you have any questions please do not hesitate to ask what so ever...I beleive the bolt pattern is 6x135mm...Please double check for fitment...I HAVE MORE PICTURES OF WHAT THEY LOOK LIKE WITHOUT THE INSERTS AND ALSO WHAT THEY LOOK LIKE STRAIGHT OUT OF THE BOX...PLEASE DO NOT HESITATE IF YOUR INTERESTED

If you liked this post, buy me a gallon of gas (Suggested: $3.85 a gallon or $68 for a full tank)

Posted by Kat at 10:56 AM 0 comments
Sunday, September 07, 2008
Tan line...

If you liked this post, buy me a gallon of gas

Posted by Kat at 8:22 AM 2 comments
Friday, September 05, 2008
New matching outfits that I made

Posted by Kat at 4:30 PM 0 comments
Happy to have Daddy home!!
Posted by Kat at 12:07 PM 0 comments
Leilani and one of her American Girl dolls!!
I have more pictures to post of the other American Girl Doll & dress and some we took with Dean since he has been back home! YAY!
We took Leilani to school this morning and it was Dean's first time driving her... You could tell he was sad yet happy he loves that she enjoys school its all she ever talks about! She does great at school. Everything she brings home I save I'm making a book of everything she has done with the dates on it so when she grows up I can show her what she did.
AJ is adjusting better with her going to school. My work helps him alot since he can play with the other kids. But once we get off it's all about Lego's and playing super hero guys haha. He teaches me about Iron Man and Hulk. It's too funny to just hear him talk about all these things that I have no clue about.

Posted by Kat at 11:44 AM 0 comments