I never thought she would even go near this!! But she proved me wrong!
My beautiful babygirl!
Watching the fireworks with MeMo...
Get ready for a ton of pictures!! Here are Dean's pictures... He was lucky and got to go to DC for the 4th!!! Wish I could have been there!!
My birthday pictures.....
My parents took me out to dinner and damn my food was GOOOOOOOD!!! I can't wait to take Dean there! I wish my other sister could have been there I know she loves that place!! :(
Miss you Sab!
The kiddo's...
Can you see Hugo's cast? He had a rock or glass slice his paw open so we took him to the vet and now he is doing much better!! My poor little guy was worth every penny of his vet bill!! They said if it was a little deeper they would have to sew it back but luckily it wasn't too bad.... He loves playing soccer so that is how it happened when we went to the school and kicked around the ball when he went to get the ball he must have stepped on something... So now my poor little guy has to wear little boots when we take him for walks.
I was bored....
We went to PaPa's work picnic....
The had some yummy food there... too bad I don't eat beef anymore... They did have some great coleslaw and potato salad!! My hubby thinks I'm nuts for not eatting beef but I'm doing good and I haven't caved in yet!! I did cave with the pork though my mom cooked sausage biscuit gravy and that's my favorite and they all knew I would eat it! Errrr!!
We went to Hallmark, Kaleidoscope
Pretty cool place the kids are free to make arts and crafts from cards to puzzles.... and much more. And the best thing is....
I have more pictures to load.... so more to come :)

Looks like your having fun at your moms house!! I love your jewelry and shirts!! Super cute!
Hi. I found you on the cafemom blogspot group. I love all the pics on your blog. I'm always taking pics & should start a photo blog.
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