Sunday, August 31, 2008

People just don't think!

People want to just see what's good for them and not the whole freaking picture!
Oh well that's life for you....
(Suggested: $3.85 a gallon or $68 for a full tank)

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Lunch with Leilani!!!

After I got off work today I went and had lunch with Leilani at school and what a trip that was! I really thought that we would be sitting with her class at their table... NOPE you sit at a table in the back with other parents and your child... It just made me feel a little sad for the other kids who didn't have their mommies or daddies there. But I'm sure they will have their day...
I still can't get over the fact that they serve themself in the line... they get their tray and get their own food and take their tray to their table and eat... So weird to see these lil kids do that big job! They have 30 mins to eat and then off to class.
I could tell Leilani was very happy to see us.
I still need to add the ONE picture I got of her getting on the bus yesterday (thanks to my camera that died!!!)
But the bus thing wont be happening for a good while!! She didn't like riding back home she was scared so no more of that. I don't know why the heck I even tried doing that! UGH! She is my baby!!!!
I better get dinner done... I'll post pictures later :)
(Suggested: $3.85 a gallon or $68 for a full tank)

Fundrasier time!!! Already!!

So Leilani has been doing great at school!!! She loves it! She always comes home with a terrific job stamp!!! YAY!
She rode the bus yesterday and let me tell you that was not for her or me!! So never again... well at least for a little while anyway...
She does have a fund raiser and she wants to sell so she can earn the "cool" prizes... Check out the site...
then go to Place an Order
then your access code: (there are 3)
If you want to place an order let me know and we can take your order so that I can put it on her order form and you can just mail me a check or paypal me the money and I will put your order in....
Money has to be at school by the 7th of Sept!!
I have pictures I'll be adding soon!! Everyday she goes to school with a matching hairbow(s) that I make just for the outfit she is wearing. HAHA
I started making her matching earrings too but somedays she just doesnt want to wear there UGH oh well haha.
I've been keeping myself and AJ busy in the morning we go to work after we drop off Leilani he is able to come since its a daycare position which is nice no paying for a babysitter to watch him I can bring him in and he plays with all the kids. Then when we get off all he ever says is "mommy can we pick up Leilani yet??" So then I have to sit and play Lego's and superheros with him till its time to pick her up. Poor guy he misses his sister so much while she is in school!!
Well I better cut this short... time to go have lunch with her at school today!! YAY!!
(Suggested: $3.85 a gallon or $68 for a full tank)

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Today was....

Leilani's first full day at school and let me tell ya it was hard on me! Actually A LOT harder on AJ!! Poor little guy didn't know what to do with himself. He missed her so much. When we dropped her off at school he gave her a hug and kiss and would not let go! He cried so hard :( We got home and I took him for a bike ride and as soon as we got in the door he went straight to my room about 11 am and fell asleep till 2 pm! Poor guy!
As soon as we picked her up it was a total different story! He was so excited to see her and he was so into riding his bike unlike this morning!!!
Leilani had a GREAT day! She ate all her lunch I packed and she read my little note I put in there! She loved it! She has been non stop telling me about what happened!! She even took a nap!!! She never does that at home!! Her teacher gave her the cutest little award for being such a good girl!
I need to buy a scrapbook and just start scrapbooking about her days at school! I took a ton of pictures again today... BUT this time I laid off taking pics at the school since last time she was a bit annoyed with me LOL. I'll be posting those soon!!
(Suggested: $3.85 a gallon or $68 for a full tank)

Saturday, August 09, 2008

Leilani's 5th bday

Here are some pictures... We just had a mini party since we were going out of town the next day...
Sorry I've been slacking with posting pictures...

AJ got a little too excited he pottied in his pants so we had to change him but we didn't have any extra shorts hahaha... There was no shame in his game though! He still played like he had them on haha.


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(Suggested: $3.85 a gallon or $68 for a full tank)]

Leilani's First day of School

Yes, I went picture crazy!!
I would have taken more but I didn't want the teacher to think I was some crazy mom.
Leilani loved school! She met so many friends and come to find out a lot of them live right by us!! Which is awesome because IF SOMEDAY I do decide she can ride the bus it will be a bit better since her classmates will be on the same bus... But as for right now she will NOT ride a bus... I'm the paranoid mom!!
I feel so old now my baby is growing up! I still can't get over the fact she is already in SCHOOL!!!

I had to capture every moment LOL... Here she was eatting her breakfast!! YUM

Before we got in the car to go to school...

Waiting in the car for school to open... We got there like 40 minutes early!! Good thing we did cause it was PACKED!

Waiting for the doors to open... AJ really thought he was going to be going to school too...

Poor lil guy!

Yeah I think she was sick of taking pictures I think it was embarrassing her... Oh well I need to have all these pictures for my scrapbook and memories!!!

Coloring her morning activity

She forgot to untuck her shirt after going potty LOL

She was so proud of her work! Poor girl really tried to write her first and last name on that tiny little line!! cracks me up!

After school a couple of our neighbors invited us to go to this jumping place... what a blast that was!!


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(Suggested: $3.85 a gallon or $68 for a full tank)