So Leilani has been doing great at school!!! She loves it! She always comes home with a terrific job stamp!!! YAY! She rode the bus yesterday and let me tell you that was not for her or me!! So never again... well at least for a little while anyway...She does have a fund raiser and she wants to sell so she can earn the "cool" prizes... Check out the site...www.paragon-promotions.comthen go to Place an Orderthen your access code: (there are 3)Wishes-1Together-1Magazines-1If you want to place an order let me know and we can take your order so that I can put it on her order form and you can just mail me a check or paypal me the money and I will put your order in....Money has to be at school by the 7th of Sept!!I have pictures I'll be adding soon!! Everyday she goes to school with a matching hairbow(s) that I make just for the outfit she is wearing. HAHA I started making her matching earrings too but somedays she just doesnt want to wear there UGH oh well haha.I've been keeping myself and AJ busy in the morning we go to work after we drop off Leilani he is able to come since its a daycare position which is nice no paying for a babysitter to watch him I can bring him in and he plays with all the kids. Then when we get off all he ever says is "mommy can we pick up Leilani yet??" So then I have to sit and play Lego's and superheros with him till its time to pick her up. Poor guy he misses his sister so much while she is in school!!Well I better cut this short... time to go have lunch with her at school today!! YAY!!
(Suggested: $3.85 a gallon or $68 for a full tank)
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