I miss my hubby already and he just left today!!
I cried my butt off this morning but hey at least he knows I love him! There has never been a time that I haven't cried even if he leaves for a weekend I will still cry... I know LAME but
hey I love him!!
Now it's time to be independent for a while! UGH!
I love my hubby!!
I just hate the fact that he will be missing out on bdays and first day of school for Leilani that just breaks my heart!
I'd be just fine if that wasn't happening...
But time will only tell maybe he will be able to get back in time for that!!
*** Thank God it's not across the pond!! ****
That is what I keep thinking!! We've been through a shit load of deployments and those suck!
I miss you baby!! Do good and hurry home to us!! We love you!!
Hurry home! Kids are driving me nuts hahaha!!

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